November 1st: Food Pantry Hours Change
After much prayerful thought, experimenting
with hours and polling of current clients, we have made the decision to
change the pantry hours to better
meet the needs of our community. St. Mark's Food Pantry Hours will
change November 1.
New Pantry Hours:
Thursday evenings 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Friday mornings 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Besides our Food Ministries, we also appreciate groups that are interested
in volunteering in other ways.
If you or group with which you are affiliated would like a volunteer
project at St. Mark's, please contact us at
StMarksFeeds@gmail.com or call 608-256-8463 and leave a message with
your name, phone number and message. We will respond as soon as possible.
© 2020 St. Mark's Lutheran Church, ELCA
605 Spruce
St. Madison, WI 53715
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