What We Believe
We believe that
every person is a beloved child of God.
We believe
that we can be better together. Jesus invites us to be a part of a
community in order to fully understand his message and to “feed his sheep,”
to do the work of the church.
When we
come together every Sunday we celebrate the Sacrament of Communion,
or the Lord’s Supper. In this celebration we are reminded that Christ has
Risen and remains with us as we reach out in love.
Ours is an open table where ALL are
welcome. We have gluten free and non-alcoholic options.
You Are Welcome Here!
Statement of Welcome as a Reconciling in Christ Congregation
The mission statement of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church is to “share the unconditional love of God.” In living out this mission and experiencing God’s overwhelming love we welcome to worship and membership those who have felt excluded from other congregations. This includes those who have felt alienated because of sexual orientation, gender, age, physical or intellectual disability, financial resources and family status.
As followers of Jesus Christ, members of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church are invited to work for justice and seek wholeness in every relationship and at every opportunity. This means that not only do we welcome everyone but we encourage them into full mission partnership and have the expectation that together we can be Christ’s church in the world.
© 2020 St. Mark's Lutheran Church, ELCA
605 Spruce
St. Madison, WI 53715
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